Articles on: Account & Chrome settings

Why MailTracker asks for permissions to read and change data across all websites?

By March 07, 2023, MailTracker need their permissions on their Chrome browser to allow MailTracker to read and change all their data on all websites.

Otherwise no data will be read. We respect our users' privacy and security of information above all else.

While the messaging for Chrome may seem misleading, it is intentionally written in a way that emphasizes the importance of user security and privacy, which may create pause for some security-sensitive users.

We are only able to edit your Gmail account to display advanced Email Tracking analytics, PDF and Document tracking.

We want to clarify that we do not do anything on other websites, and we do not read or store emails. Our only purpose is to collect anonymized IPs to help improve our service, and we never send emails on behalf of our clients. We take our users' privacy very seriously, and we are committed to protecting it.

You can read our Manifesto about privacy here.

🔥 Not a MailTracker user yet? Mailtracker is an email tracking platform for Gmail! Get started today for free. 🚀

Updated on: 26/05/2023

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