MailTracker help
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Chrome extension settings
Mange your account and your Chrome settings
How to uninstall Mailtracker?
To remove the extension: Click on your browser icon, then Remove from Chrome… and confirm the removal. You can remove it from the Extensions section of Chrome. Also, you can delete it from your MailTracker account on this page.
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Update your Chrome extension
If you want the last version of the Chrome extension, please relaunch your Chrome. To restart Chrome, on the Address bar copy-paste: chrome://restart Press Enter to restart Chrome without losing any active opened tabs.
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Activate MailTracker Chrome extension
If your MailTracker extension is desactivated, you can activate again by following this process: On the Address bar copy-paste chrome://extensions/ Search MailTracker Click on the button to activate MailTracker
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Why MailTracker asks for permissions to read and change data across all websites?
By March 07, 2023, MailTracker need their permissions on their Chrome browser to allow MailTracker to read and change all their data on all websites. Otherwise no data will be read. We respect our users' privacy and security of information above all else. While the messaging for C
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